Amidst the ongoing struggles of the protesting farmers, a middle-aged farmer ended his own life on Thursday, January 9, 2025, after consuming poison at the Shambhu interstate border point. The farmer named Resham Singh, 52, reportedly has taken a debt of Rs 8 lakh from banks and cooperative societies. He possessed around 2.5 acres of land but had to sell it all to clear all his dues.
He was earning his livelihood by selling milk and running a small village dairy. The latest reports have suggested that his condition started deteriorating after he consumed the ingested pesticide, leading to his death.
Suicide Note Found from his Pocket
Following his death, a suicide note has been found in his pocket where he conveyed his profound frustration with both Central and the Punjab government.
In his final message, Resham Singh expressed that his death is a sacrifice and is aimed at drawing the attention of the struggling farmers. The note also referred to the farmer leader, Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been on his fast-unto-death strike since November 2024. Resham Singh reaffirmed the farmers determination to continue to fight for their agricultural rights.
“In every life I am granted, I will always fight for farmers’ rights,” he wrote in his death note. His words deeply resonated with the fight and sufferings the farmers have been going through over four years of protest.
The victim left behind his elderly mother, wife Davinder, and son Inderjit Singh. As soon as the news of his death came into light, villagers started reaching his home to express their grief.
Farmers Held Government Accountable
The members of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee visited the grieving family. They held the government responsible for this tragic loss. According to the committee, Singh has faced many challenges and has been under the debt of Rs 8 lakh. But despite these hurdles, he never lost his hope and was among the active participant in the ongoing farmers protest at Sambhu border. He was an activist of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee, Punjab, and had also participated in the 2020 farm morcha.
Additionally, Resham’s son Inderjit Singh works as a sewadar at a gurudwara in Hoshiarpur. He said his father sacrificed his life to express resentment against the government’s behavior towards the protesting farmers.
Inderjit Singh, along with his wife, Rupinder Kaur, rushed back home after hearing the news of his father.
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Kanishka Malhotra is a seasoned journalist with a deep passion for reporting and uncovering the truth. With a specialization in research and investigative Journalism, she has covered wide range of topics related to social issues, travel, lifestyle, technology, Entertainment and much more. She believes to express and share her creativity to the world through words. With relentless pursuit of knowing and uncovering the truth, Kanishka continues to leave a mark in the world of journalism.