Thirteen passengers were reported dead on Wednesday evening in Puspak Express traveling from Lucknow to Mumbai because of a rumor. A sudden emergency chain-pulling incident caused the friction of brakes leading to sparks. People witnessing this in the General Compartment jumped off the train to save their lives from the erupting fire. The Karnataka Express that came running along the adjacent tracks caused the death of 13 people. 10 people are injured in which four people are in critical condition.
No Fire For Real
Jalgaon Guardian minister Gulabrao Patil explained the incident, he said ” There was a chain-pulling incident that caused the train to come to an abrupt halt when the emergency brakes were applied. The friction from the brakes caused sparks to fly from the tracks. Passengers in the general compartment, fearing the train had caught fire, jumped from both exits. The Karnataka Express, traveling at over 130 kmph from the opposite side on the adjacent tracks, ran over these passengers, resulting in the tragic loss of lives.” The officials have confirmed that there was no fire.
Precious Lives Lost
This tragic incident took the lives of 13 people and the Jalgaon collector Ayush Prasad told that nine men and three women were dead including six Nepal nationals. Till now six bodies have been identified including the Nepal citizens. The officials further revealed that the incident exactly happened at around evening 5 pm near Pachora which lies between Maheji and Pradhane stations. The incident occured despite the alertness of the Pushpak express driver. He had flashed the flashlights immediately after the chains were pulled but the curved tracks were the reason for the incident as the Karnataka express driver has also applied the brakes but neither the people nor the driver could see each other due to curved tracks. This became the major reason for this devastating tragedy.
PM Modi’s Condolosences
The Railway Ministry has also announced Providing Ex Gratia of Rs 1.5 lakhs for the people who are dead, Rs 50,000 for grievously injured and Rs 5,000 for simple ones. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fandnavis has also announced that Rs 5 lakhs will be provided for the families of the deceased in the tragic train accident. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has also expressed his sadness over the loss of lives. According to the sources from the officials, it is revealed that most of the passengers were from Uttar Pradesh, travelling from Lucknow to Mumbai in the unreserved general Compartment.
Rescue Operations Underway
Thirteen passengers were reported dead on Wednesday evening in Puspak Express traveling from Lucknow to Mumbai because of a rumor. A sudden emergency chain-pulling incident caused the friction of brakes leading to sparks. People witnessing this in the General Compartment jumped off the train to save their lives from the erupting fire. The Karnataka Express that came running along the adjacent tracks caused the death of 13 people. 10 people are injured in which four people are in critical condition.
With a passion for news writing and a deep interest in Journalism, Bowrna wants to write articles that create an impact. Not only writing, she also has a passion for voiceovers and also aspires to become a Radio Jockey in the future. When not writing, she likes to listen to songs and dance to her heart's content. She is proficient in English, Tamil and Hindi.