Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, the husband of actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, has reportedly sustained multiple stab injuries after an unknown person barged into his 11th-floor flat in Bandra (west) suspected to commit burglary. Notably, the incident took place early in the morning on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
According to the Bandra Police, the unknown person fled away from the residence after attacking Khan when he woke up and engaged in a scuffle with the intruder.
“An unknown person entered actor Saif Ali Khan’s residence and argued with his maid late last night. When the actor tried to intervene and pacify the man, he attacked Saif Ali Khan and injured him using a sharp knife. Police have launched a probe into the matter,” Mumbai Police said in a statement to ANI news media.
Preliminary Investigation into the Matter
The unconfirmed reports into the matter revealed that the actor was attacked during a robbery attempt. According to the police, the incident took place between 2 am and 2:30 am. Khan woke up hearing some sound. The other family members were also present in the flat when the incident happened.
The man escaped from the scene. The officials are reportedly in the process of registering an FIR against the individual and have been trying to trace his location.
Saif Ali Khan Admitted to the Hospital
Meanwhile, following the incident, Khan has been rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Bandra Reclamation by his elder son, Ibrahim Khan, and a caretaker around 3 am.
“Khan reportedly sustained six wounds caused by a sharp object,” said hospital COO Dr Niraj Uttamani. At 9 am, he was still undergoing surgery performed by neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange. It has been learned that out of six, two wounds are deep, including one close to the spinal cord and one on the left wrist. The left wrist will need plastic surgery.
“He doesn’t have life-threatening wounds, but the extent of the damage will only be known after the surgery,” the doctor stated.
What Police Officials Reported
As per DCP Dikshit Gedam, an unidentified man intruded in the residence of actor Saif Ali Khan. The actor and the intruder had a scuffle. The actor is injured and being treated; an investigation is going on.
“On hearing commotion, all present in the house rushed out to see the actor. They rushed him to Lilavati Hospital, where he has undergone treatment,” said Bandra Police.
The Bandra police team and Mumbai Crime Branch are probing the matter. “Probe is on to find out how the intruder managed to clear the security at the building, or had he crawled from the other side of the building to reach the actor’s flat. The team is going through the CCTV footage in the building,” said the police.
Additionally, Kareena and Saif have been married since 2012 and live in the Satguru Sharan building in Mumbai’s Bandra West with their two sons, Taimur (8) and Jeh (4).
Kanishka Malhotra is a seasoned journalist with a deep passion for reporting and uncovering the truth. With a specialization in research and investigative Journalism, she has covered wide range of topics related to social issues, travel, lifestyle, technology, Entertainment and much more. She believes to express and share her creativity to the world through words. With relentless pursuit of knowing and uncovering the truth, Kanishka continues to leave a mark in the world of journalism.