In a recent turn of events, veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra has been summoned by the Patiala House Court in Delhi. The summon was regarding a cheating case related to the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise. The case has garnered significant attention due to Dharmendra’s prominent status in the Indian film industry. The court issued the summons following allegations from Delhi businessman Sushil Kumar. Sushil claimed he was tricked into investing in the franchise.
What Led to the Alleged Fraud Case Against Dharmendra’s Franchise?
Sushil alleged that in April 2018, two representatives approached him on behalf of Dharmendra to invest in the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise. They promised him a 7% profit on his investment of IN ₹41 lakh. Sushil was enticed by the potential returns and the association with Dharmendra’s brand, agreeing to the investment. In September 2018, a letter of intent was signed for IN ₹63 lakh, and Kumar paid IN ₹17.70 lakh. He even purchased land in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, as part of the agreement. However, the commitments made by the respondents were not fulfilled, leading Kumar to believe he had been misled.
Garam Dharam Dhaba: A Franchise Inspired by Dharmendra’s Legacy
The Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise was established in February 2018 by entrepreneurs Umang Tewari and Mickey Mehta, in collaboration with Dharmendra. The flagship (first) outlet of the franchise draws inspiration from Dharmendra’s on-screen character. The flagship outlet was inaugurated by the actor himself in Haryana’s Murthal six years ago.
What Legal Actions Have Been Taken in the Garam Dharam Franchise Case?
Following Kumar’s complaint, the Patiala House Court took swift action. Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Yashdeep Chahal issued the summons on December 5, 2024. The summon cited prima facie evidence of cheating and criminal conspiracy. The court has scheduled the next hearing for February 20, 2025. The charges against Dharmendra and the two other accused include sections 420 (cheating), 120B (criminal conspiracy), and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Additionally, the two other accused face charges under section 506 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC.
What Did the Court Highlight in the Garam Dharam Cheating Case?
The court highlighted that the evidence on record indicates the accused individuals acted with a common intent to deceive Kumar. The actions of the respondents reportedly aligned with the elements of the offense of cheating. The offense further justifies the court’s decision to issue the summons.
How Has Dharmendra Responded to the Legal Case?
Currently, Dharmendra has not publicly commented on the case. Known for his extensive career in Bollywood, with recent appearances in the movie “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani,” his silence on the matter has left fans and the public awaiting his side of the story.
How Can Dharmendra Legal Case Serve as a Cautionary Tale for Investors?
The case underscores the critical need for due diligence in business dealings, especially when significant investments are involved. The allegations indicate that investors must remain vigilant, thoroughly verify claims, and ensure transparent agreements before proceeding. The involvement of a high-profile figure like Dharmendra also highlights the serious legal consequences of fraudulent activities, regardless of one’s status.
What Key Developments Are Expected from the February 2025 Court Hearing?
The court hearing scheduled for February 20, 2025, will be crucial in shaping the case’s direction. The session will provide a platform for the presentation of evidence from both sides. The session will potentially lead to further legal actions based on the outcomes.
How Will Dharmendra Legal Case Impact Business Integrity?
The summoning of Dharmendra by the Patiala House Court about a cheating case related to the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise has brought attention to the complexities of business investments and the importance of transparency. As the case proceeds, it will be watched closely by the public and the media due to Dharmendra’s prominent status. The case highlights the legal and ethical responsibilities that come with business ventures and the critical need for diligence and integrity.
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Mallika Sadhu is a journalist committed to revealing the raw, unfiltered truth. Mallika's work is grounded in a dedication to transparency and integrity, aiming to present clear and impactful stories that matter. Through comprehensive reporting and honest storytelling, she strives to contribute to provide narratives that genuinely inform and engage. When not dwelling in the world of journalism, she is immersed in the colors of her canvas and pages of her journal.