Pushpa actor Allu Arjun finally walked out of the jail on Saturday morning. Despite being granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court, the actor had to spend his Friday night in Hyderabad’s Chanchalguda Central Jail. Allu Arjun was arrested in the Hyderabad stampede case that happened at the premiere of Arjun’s blockbuster movie Pushpa 2.
However, currently in the spotlight, the Hyderabad stampede case is unfolding new turns and twists. According to the latest updates, the deceased’s husband has expressed his willingness to withdraw the charges.
Hyderabad Stampede Case: New Updates
Allu Arjun’s Arrest and Release
On Friday morning, police authorities arrived at Arjun’s residence in Jubilee Hills and took him into custody. He was then escorted to the police station for further questioning. The actor was also sent to Osmania General Hospital for a medical test before his court facing. Initially he was placed under a 14-day judicial remand by a lower court. However, Telangana High Court granted him a on a personal bond of Rs 50,000, few hours after his arrest.
Despite the bail orders, Arjun was released the next morning. Ashok Reddy, the actor’s lawyer said, “They received an order copy from the High Court but despite that, they didn’t release Allu Arjun…they will have to answer…this is illegal detention, we will take legal action. As of now, he has been released.”
Why was Arjun Not Released?
As per the reports, the bail order copies were uploaded late which caused the actor to spend his night in the jail. Following the actor’s release, he reached Geeta arts office, the production house of his father.
Withdrawal of the Case
Following the release of Allu Arjun, Bhaskar, husband of the deceased women gave a shocking statement. Bhaskar said that he is now willing to drop the case and no longer holds Arjun the reason of her wife’s death. Expressing to the media, Bhaskar said, “We only went to Sandhya Theatre that day because my son wanted to watch the movie. It’s not Allu Arjun’s fault that he visited the theatre that day. I am ready to withdraw my case. Police didn’t inform me of his arrest, I watched it in the news at the hospital. He (Arjun) has nothing to do with stampede.”
Notably, Arjun’s arrest was prompted by a complaint filed by Bhaskar. Further new updates are still awaiting.
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Naina Jaggi is an author deeply rooted in Journalism, mainly writing on lifestyle, entertainment, travel, politics and financial markets. This diverse experience has allowed her to blend rich details with engaging narratives that capture the essence of various worlds. When she is not crafting tales, you’ll find her immersed in music and enjoying the company of dogs. She is also into K-dramas, thriller and horror movies that fuel her imagination, bringing the same spark to her stories.