Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, best known for his role as the legendary Indian superhero Shaktimaan, recently announced his comeback to the character. At the age of 66, Khanna donned the famous red superhero suit once again, sharing his excitement for returning to the role. However, the announcement received a variety of responses, with many netizens trolling the actor for his choice.
What Prompted the Announcement of Mukesh Khanna Reprising as Shaktimaan?
Mukesh Khanna revealed his plans to bring back Shaktimaan during an interaction with ANI. He expressed a strong personal connection with the character, saying, “This is a costume within me…I think personally too, in my mind, this costume has come from within me…I did well in Shaktimaan because it came from within me…Acting is all about confidence. I forget about the camera when I am shooting…I am even happier than the others about becoming Shaktimaan again…”
Are Fans Doubting Mukesh Khanna’s Ability to Revive Shaktimaan?
Many fans voiced their skepticism and humor on social media regarding Khanna’s return as Shaktimaan, despite his excitement. Comments on platforms like Reddit and X reflected mixed reactions, with some doubting the actor’s ability to do justice to such a physically demanding role. One user joked, “Imagine after a few bouts of fight, Shaktimaan being admitted to Max Hospital.”
What Were the Fans’ Reactions on Mukesh Khanna’s Comeback?
Fans expressed nostalgia mixed with concern. Some comments included, “Shaktimaan was a fond memory for many of us, now it is on track to turn into a nightmare!” Another user stated, “Dude is stuck in the past. Someone should speak sense to him.” Others suggested that Khanna could have done a cameo or suggested casting a new Shaktimaan instead of returning to the role himself.
Bollywood star Ranveer Singh was rumored to be in talks for a modern film adaptation of Shaktimaan. However, Mukesh Khanna disapproving the idea stated that he will reprise the role himself. This decision further fueled the trolling, as some fans feels Khanna is too old for the role.
Will Mukesh Khanna’s Return as Shaktimaan Live Up to Fans’ Expectations?
Shaktimaan holds a special place in the hearts of many Indians who grew up watching the show in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The character represents hope and righteousness, and Mukesh Khanna’s performance as the superhero has left a lasting legacy. This cultural importance is the reason why the news of his return has garnered such strong reactions from fans.
Mukesh Khanna’s announcement of his comeback as Shaktimaan has sparked a wave of reactions, both positive and negative. While some fans are thrilled to see the legendary superhero return, others question whether Khanna’s ability to do justice to the role at 66. The mixed reactions highlight the challenges of reviving beloved characters and the expectations that come with them. As the discussions continue, it remains uncertain if Khanna’s return will be met with success or further criticism.
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Mallika Sadhu is a journalist committed to revealing the raw, unfiltered truth. Mallika's work is grounded in a dedication to transparency and integrity, aiming to present clear and impactful stories that matter. Through comprehensive reporting and honest storytelling, she strives to contribute to provide narratives that genuinely inform and engage. When not dwelling in the world of journalism, she is immersed in the colors of her canvas and pages of her journal.