In a shocking incident, a 24-year-old woman was found murdered in Southwest Delhi, in the Dabri area, on Friday, December 3, 2024. The decomposed body of the body was found inside the bed at her rented apartment. The preliminary reports suspected her husband’s alleged involvement in the case. He has gone missing since the incident occurred.
Reportedly, the deceased identified as Deepa and her husband, Dhanraj, had been living in a rented flat in Dabri area of Delhi. Dhanraj is a cab driver. The couple had been married for five years. They had a two-year-old daughter, who was staying with her maternal relatives when the incident occurred.
About the Incident
The crime was first discovered by Deepa’s mother, who visited their flat in the evening to feed her pet parrots as a part of her daily routine. Upon noticing a foul smell coming from their locked apartment, Deepa’s mother called her husband, who alerted the police. Soon, a team of police rushed to the scene and found the flat locked.
After breaking the door, the police conducted a thorough search of the premises. Meanwhile, upon searching, the victim’s body was found inside the bedroom, the officials reported.
The preliminary reports stated that Deepa had been dead for approximately 72 hours before the discovery. Her mouth was found taped, and the body was found in a hidden state within the bed frame.
“The decomposition and the manner in which the body was concealed suggest she was murdered about three days before being discovered. The careful hiding of the body indicates premeditation,” the sources said.
Case Filed
The father of the deceased has filed an official complaint with the police. A case of murder has been filed under section 103 of the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Dabri Police station. A team of crime experts and forensic experts has examined the site. The further investigation would be confirmed following the post-mortem report to determine the exact cause of death.
As per DCP Ankit Singh, multiple teams have been formed to locate Dhanraj. He remains the prime suspect in the case. “We are scanning CCTV footage to trace his movements and questioning several individuals to understand the motive behind the crime,” he added.
Kanishka Malhotra is a seasoned journalist with a deep passion for reporting and uncovering the truth. With a specialization in research and investigative Journalism, she has covered wide range of topics related to social issues, travel, lifestyle, technology, Entertainment and much more. She believes to express and share her creativity to the world through words. With relentless pursuit of knowing and uncovering the truth, Kanishka continues to leave a mark in the world of journalism.