The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi marks the ‘Nine Years of StartupIndia program’, by remarking that over the past nine years, this transformative program has empowered countless youngsters, turning their innovative ideas into successful ‘StartUps’
“As far as the Government is concerned, we have left no stone unturned to encourage a culture of StartUps”, Shri Modi reiterated. He emphasized that this success reflects that today’s India is dynamic, confident and future-ready. “I compliment every youngster in the ‘Startups’ world and urge more youngsters to pursue this. It’s my assurance you won’t be disappointed!”, Shri Modi stated.
The Prime Minister posted on X:
“Today, we mark #9YearsOfStartupIndia, a landmark initiative that has redefined innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. This is a program very close to my heart, as it has emerged as a powerful way of furthering youth empowerment. Over the past nine years, this transformative program has empowered countless youngsters, turning their innovative ideas into successful StartUps.”
“Our policies have focused on ‘Ease of Doing Business’ greater access to resources and, most importantly, supporting them at every juncture. We are actively promoting innovation and incubation centers so that our youngsters become risk-takers. I have personally been regularly interacting with upcoming StartUps.”
“This success of StartUpIndia reflects that today’s India is dynamic, confident and future-ready. As we mark this journey, we reaffirm our commitment to continue fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem that uplifts every dream and contributes to “Aatmanirbhar” Bharat (Self-Reliant India).”
PM Modi has expressed his happiness on Indian StartUps making an international imprint, especially in futuristic sectors. “Proud of the strength and skills of India’s Yuva Shakti, which has made India among the most attractive places for StartUps!”, Shri Modi stated.
Commencing teaching in his early twenties, Prof Aggarwal has diverse experience of great tenure in the top institutions not only as an educationist, administrator, editor, author but also promoting youth and its achievements through the nicest possible content framing. A revolutionary to the core, he is also keen to address the society around him for its betterment and growth on positive notes while imbibing the true team spirit the work force along with.